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Eat, love, live with ... Bella Davis

Posted By Michaela Skilney  

Content creator Bella Davis is known for many things. Living on the central coast of Australia with her partner Liam, her fur-baby Freddy (and bearded dragon, Mikey), Bella has become a social media influencer known for encouraging body acceptance, calling our diet culture, challenging stereotypes and celebrating imperfection. Oh, and that catchy little song she penned ... "Good morning beautiful queens"!

Considered your 'self love hype girl', Eat Love Live knows her for something else - surviving, and thriving. Working with the likes of The Butterfly Foundation, Bella generously shares her lived experience of an eating disorder with her online community to educate, empower and inspire others to embrace recovery. 

Let's dive right in - what's your favourite meal?!

Any type of pasta or noodle dish!

What is your favourite cuisine?


What's your favourite memory involving food?

Two years after recovery I had the most delicious chocolate cake for my birthday and I enjoyed two slices of cake and loved every bite! I didn’t feel any type of guilt which was incredible. 

If you could share a meal with three guests, dead or alive, who would they be? 

Oh, such a hard question! Probably Julia Roberts, Robin Williams and my dad.

How do you quieten or remove the sting of toxic diet culture messages? 

I remind myself that I am worthy of food and that I deserve to eat today, and every day. I also like to tell myself that no food is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Food is just food.

What's something in your life you're loving at the moment?

My dog! He brings me so much joy.

What is something you're passionate about?

Helping women embrace and accept their bodies.

What part of your body do you love the most, and why?

I love my butt! All the dimples and stretch marks have made me realise that my body may have changed, but it has also allowed me to grow.

When do you feel the most positive or in love with your body?

I feel the most positive with my body when I am listening to my body and being kind to it.

How do you practice self-care or self-love?

When I’m having a bad body image day, I remind myself that it’s just a bad day - I don’t have a bad body. I also try and see the beauty within my body and treat my body with respect and kindness.

What role does movement play in your life?

Movement is important to me because I believe my body deserves to move and I like to move my body in ways that bring me joy. I struggled with moving my body after recovery but now I listen to my body and move it when I feel like it wants to be moved (and don’t move it in ways that feel like punishment).

What song can you rely on to instantly lift your mood?

Cuff it by Beyoncé!

What values do you find important to live by?

Other people's opinions of my body don’t matter. The only opinion that matters is my own. Health looks different on everybody and there’s no one-size fits all approach to health. I don’t owe anyone thinness.

What do you do in life that makes you feel the most alive?

Most mornings I like to do a little dance and sing a little song I made up called, “Good morning beautiful queens”, and it helps to brighten my mood every morning!

If you could offer any advice to your ten year old self, what would it be

I would say that you don’t have to be thin to be happy. That you are deserving of love, happiness, success and confidence regardless of your weight and that your cellulite, softness, hip-dips, stretch marks and rolls aren’t flaws but normal features of a body.

Want to make your Instagram feed more fabulous with daily doses of body confidence from Bella? Head to her profile (@isabelladavis6) to view her latest posts, read her latest articles or to join her new broadcast channel, Hello Beautiful Queens!.